Blog Hotel Link

Leveraging Hotel Technology to Streamline Guest Communication

Written by Hotel Link | Apr 15, 2024 6:16:47 PM

Nowadays, the hotel industry always focuses on improving service quality and customer experience. In the digital age, applying modern technology to customer communication is essential to create competitive advantage and attract potential customers. This article will discuss ways to apply advanced technology to improve communication efficiency in the hotel industry.

Benefits of applying technology

Enhance interaction

  • Live Chat: Use messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger,  or Zalo to chat directly with customers, answer their questions, and assist them throughout the booking and stay process.
  • AI: Provides an intelligent virtual assistant (AI) that can support customers 24/7, answer frequently asked questions, and perform simple requests such as booking a room, calling for services, or searching for information .

Personalize the experience

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) system: Stores detailed information about customers, including preferences, habits, and booking history, to personalize their experience.
  • Smart Recommendations: Use customer data to recommend services, amenities, or activities that match their preferences.

Process automation

  • Online booking system: Allow customers to book directly on the hotel's website or app, reducing the burden on front desk staff.
  • Automatic payment: Providing safe and convenient online payment methods, helping customers save time and effort.

Collect feedback

  • Online surveys: Send surveys after customers' stay to gather their feedback on service quality and overall experience.
  • Social media analysis: Monitor social media posts and comments to understand what customers think about the hotel.

4 Commonly used technology

  • PMS (Property Management System): Hotel management system helps manage daily operations such as booking, payment, room management, etc.
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management): A customer relationship management system that helps store and analyze customer information, personalize experiences, and increase engagement.
  • Chatbots: Intelligent virtual assistants can provide 24/7 customer support, answer frequently asked questions, and fulfill simple requests.
  • Facial recognition technology: Use facial recognition technology to automate check-in, check-out, and payment processes.

How to do it effectively?

  • Identify specific goals: Clearly identify the target customers you want to achieve when applying technology to mobilize the corresponding investment budget.
  • Choosing the right technology: Because each hotel's size, geographical location, budget, and target customers are different. Therefore, we need to consider carefully which technology is necessary to apply and install for your hotel.
  • Staff training: Make sure staff are properly trained to use these functions smoothly and professionally when welcoming customers.
  • Evaluate and monitor effectiveness: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of technology adoption and adjust as necessary to avoid waste and operational problems.


Applying modern technology is an effective way to improve communication with customers and your hotel. Choosing and using appropriate technology is also a successful path to help hotels increase interaction, personalize customer experiences, and improve services during operations.

Please contact us today for advice on the most suitable modern technology solution for your hotel. Hotel Link will help you improve customer service, improve communication efficiency and maximize revenue.