Properties offering competitive, transparent and attractive rates will be more likely to draw...
Good Recommendations for Hotels During COVID-19
We have collected the learning across the globe about an action plan to minimize the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and prepare for future scenarios. The situation is changing constantly, but here are some recommendations that we want to share with hoteliers:
Avoid making a huge price drop to entice travelers
With the lower demand, that you are probably facing now, drastically lowering prices will not serve as a trigger for new bookings and it can cause a negative impression about your hotel as travelers also identify quality based on price.
Make sure to have rates available for the next 2 years
Not having rates for a long period ahead can drastically lower your chances to receive online bookings. This will also be important when giving the guest the option to postpone their reservations instead of canceling.
Review and update your website content
Keep in mind that complete and informative descriptions of your rooms, external areas, amenities are essential to help your online direct sales. Make your hotel the best option to book among your competitors.
Keep in contact with your past guests and website visitors
Inform your website visitors about all the actions you are taking to guarantee the safety of your current and future guests. When the COVID-19 crisis is over, people will be eager to travel even more and they will prefer to stay in a hotel that is doing everything to keep their guests safe. Popups, Extra Pages, and Blog posts are some of the features you can use.
Be flexible with booking conditions and cancellation rules
Restrictive booking conditions can inhibit new reservations. Keep your cancellation policies as flexible as possible. Restrictive or non-refundable rules will cause reservations to take longer to arrive.
Create benefits for guest who book in advance
This will help you to predict your hotel occupancy. Offering “free nights” or a range of attractive inclusions can help to increase conversion and also the length of stay.
It’s extremely important that you be well prepared when the business does come back. We hope that some tips above will be useful for you. Stay Safe!