What is OBP? The OBP-Occupancy Based Pricing is a pricing policy based on the number of extra...
Rebuilding Together With Our Recovery Advice
We’re seeing early signs that people are starting to book travel again. To help you attract these guests, Booking.com and Hotel Link teams have delivered a Recovery Toolkit , which includes a full list of recovery advice and insights to support you and your property as we begin to emerge from this difficult period.
Our top picks of the most impactful recommendations for you in this blog article are:
Unlock your local market with last-minute mobile bookings
As local demand starts to increase on the Booking.com site, 74% of bookings will come from a mobile phone. Thus, add a mobile rate to your property to increase your visibility with these customers, who also tend to book at the last minute.
Add a mobile rate on Hotel Link. To set up a mobile rate from Hotel Link extranet, you access to the Channel Manager tab (on the main menu) and choose Booking.com from the OTA connected list on the left-handed column. In Special Offer => Type, choose Mobile Rate in the drop-down list and set the appropriate discount rate.
Unlock local bookings with a domestic country rate
As we see demand start to increase on the Booking.com platform, we expect the first wave of travellers to be domestic. Adding a domestic country rate to your property can help you attract customers living in your home country.
Attract domestic Bookings – Add on Hotel Link. To set up a domestic country rate from Hotel Link extranet, you access to the Channel Manager tab (on the main menu) and choose Booking.com from the OTA connected list on the left-handed column. In Special Offer => Type, choose Geo Rate in the drop-down list, choose the country, and set the appropriate discount rate.
Plan for future demand with Online Payments
Activate online payments now to reduce your workload when demand grows. Allowing guests to pay online can help reduce your operational workload when demand grows. When guests pay online, Booking.com facilitates their payment on your behalf, which means less operational hassle for you.
Activate online payments now.