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The Power of Social Proof: Why User-Generated Content is Key for GenZ?

Today's travelers, particularly Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2012), are bombarded with marketing messages online. Wary of traditional advertising and seeking authenticity, they rely heavily on the opinions and experiences of others – also known as social proof. This is where user-generated content (UGC) becomes a goldmine for hoteliers.

Why Gen Z Travelers Love UGC

Forget perfectly staged marketing campaigns. Gen Z craves real-life experiences. User-generated content (UGC) is any content—text, videos, images, reviews, etc.—created by people rather than brands. UGC showcases genuine guests enjoying your hotel's amenities, activities, and atmosphere. This resonates with them because it feels honest and unbiased, unlike traditional advertising. Seeing real people having a great time at your hotel builds trust and allows them to envision themselves having a similar experience.

Building Trust and Transparency with User-Generated Content

UGC humanizes your hotel by featuring real guests. Potential guests can see themselves enjoying your facilities, fostering a sense of connection and relatability. Unlike curated marketing content, UGC allows them to see how other travelers are using and benefiting from your offerings, providing a more realistic understanding of the value you provide.

The Power of Social Proof: Why User-Generated Content is Key for Gen Z

Reduce Booking Anxiety with Social Proof

Booking online can be nerve-wracking, especially for Gen Z travelers. UGC can significantly reduce this anxiety. Seeing positive reviews and recommendations from real guests provides valuable insights and reassurance. This is especially true for features that can be difficult to showcase online, like the ambiance of your lobby or the comfort of your guest rooms.

Leveraging Micro-Influencers and Everyday Guests

While celebrity endorsements still hold some weight, Gen Z is more likely to trust recommendations from everyday people or micro-influencers they can relate to. These individuals create authentic content showcasing their genuine experiences at your hotel. Their recommendations are seen as more trustworthy and impactful because they feel grounded in reality.

Foster a Community Around Your Hotel

UGC builds a community around your hotel. Seeing others share their positive experiences fosters a sense of belonging and shared interest. This is highly appealing to Gen Z, who value social connection. By showcasing real guest experiences, you create a space where potential guests can connect with past guests and get a well-rounded picture of what your hotel offers.

The Power of Social Proof: Why User-Generated Content is Key for Gen Z

Examples of Successful UGC Campaigns

Guest-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool for hoteliers to connect with potential guests and showcase the true essence of their property. Here are some inspiring examples of successful UGC campaigns in hospitality:

1. Marriott Bonvoy's #MomentsMade Marriott

  • Campaign Goal: Encourage brand loyalty and emotional connection.
  • Strategy: Launched the #MomentsMadeMarriott hashtag campaign, inviting guests to share special moments and experiences during their stay at any Marriott Bonvoy property.
  • Results: The campaign generated a massive amount of user-generated content, showcasing the diverse experiences Marriott Bonvoy hotels offer. It fostered a sense of community among guests and strengthened brand loyalty.

2. The Hoxton: #hoxtonstaycation

  • Campaign Goal: Promote staycation packages and local experiences.
  • Strategy: Launched the #hoxtonstaycation hashtag campaign, encouraging guests to document their local explorations and hotel experiences during their staycation.
  • Results: The campaign generated a buzz around staycation options at Hoxton Hotels, showcasing the hotels as a perfect getaway for exploring their surrounding neighborhoods. It also provided valuable insights into guest preferences for staycation activities.

3. Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas: #mysixesensesstory

  • Campaign Goal: Highlight unique experiences and the connection with nature.
  • Strategy: Launched the #mysixesensesstory hashtag campaign, encouraging guests to share photos and videos capturing the breathtaking natural beauty, wellness activities, and unique experiences offered by Six Senses properties.
  • Results: The campaign showcased the luxurious and immersive experiences offered by Six Senses, emphasizing their connection to nature. It attracted environmentally conscious travelers seeking a unique escape.

4. Kimpton Hotels: #kimptonsocial

  • Campaign Goal: Showcase hotel culture and guest interaction.
  • Strategy: Launched the #kimptonsocial hashtag campaign, encouraging guests to share photos and videos capturing the social atmosphere, unique design elements, and friendly staff interactions at Kimpton Hotels.
  • Results: The campaign highlighted the playful and welcoming environment at Kimpton properties, attracting travelers seeking a boutique hotel experience with a social vibe.

5. Park Hyatt Hotels: #hyattmoments

  • Campaign Goal: Capture special occasions and create lasting memories.
  • Strategy: Launched the #hyattmoments hashtag campaign, encouraging guests to document special events like weddings, honeymoons, and birthday celebrations hosted at Park Hyatt Hotels.
  • Results: The campaign showcased Park Hyatt's ability to create unforgettable moments for guests. It attracted travelers seeking luxurious and memorable experiences for special occasions.

Harnessing the Power of UGC

Your hotel can harness the power of UGC by:

  • Encourage User-Generated Content: Host photo contests, encourage guests to share their experiences with a branded hashtag, or run challenges that showcase your hotel's unique features.
  • Showcase User-Generated Content: Feature user-generated photos and videos on your website and social media channels. Highlight positive reviews and testimonials to build trust with potential guests.
  • Respond to UGC: Actively engage with guests who create content about your hotel. Thank them for their contributions, respond to questions and comments, and foster a sense of community.


In today's hospitality landscape, user-generated content is no longer a fad; it's a fundamental tool for building trust and engagement with Gen Z travelers. By embracing authenticity and leveraging the power of UGC, hoteliers can effectively connect with this influential generation, drive positive brand perception, and ultimately, secure more bookings. By understanding the value Gen Z places on real-life experiences and peer-to-peer recommendations, hoteliers can create a powerful marketing strategy that resonates with this tech-savvy audience.